Teaching Rhythm Logically

a method for teachers, not students


Kid-tested scripts to teach all rhythm concepts


Drawings and outlines that aid in student understand

Rhythm Chart Integration

Our rhythm charts used across the country + specific ways to most effectively use them

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  • ...a huge thank you for creating the Teaching Rhythm Logically curriculum! I purchased it just after Christmas and my kids and I have been using it religiously since then. As a result, the kids have a much better sense of pulse and rhythm than my groups have ever had! Thank you for bringing to light the fact that just because I totally get rhythm, my kids maybe don’t. Thanks!

    Stephen – FL
  • [Teaching Rhythm Logically] is the single most effective and practical teaching tool I have seen at any of the conferences I have been to. I started using it at the beginning of the second semester, and I have seen a near alarming amount of growth in my students' ability to count and play in general (especially with the younger students). Thank you for taking the time and energy to compile such a useful, effective tool and provide it for those of us who want to become better teachers.

  • I wanted to let you know we started Teaching Rhythm Logically with all of our 190 beginners this week. It was AWESOME! The kids responded so incredibly well to it and it really made so much sense!!

    Jennifer – TX
  • I have been using your “Teaching Rhythm Logically” system with my program the last two weeks and it is fixing SO MANY ISSUES! Your influence is spreading! Thanks so much!

    Robert – TX
  • After not quite two weeks of stuffing TRL down their throats, I have kids who are more excited and ready to read stuff. I'm just saying: this works.

    Jeff – WA

Find Your Voice

Most of us know WHAT to teach. HOW to teach it effectively is slightly trickier.

About TRL

Teaching Rhythm Logically models a logical, sequential way to teach rhythm that attacks concepts from multiple angles to reach all of your students, regardless how they learn. The lessons are designed to create an UNDERSTANDING of rhythm, not just getting your kids to count out loud. TRL is the observation you can read and learn from on your own couch, and (best of all) provides you a full script you can use in your own classes!


Darcy Vogt Williams

Darcy Vogt Williams
